War of Atlas
Chapter 31
Commence Attack
“This is Tatyana Knight. I’m reporting now, that my group has heard screams from above one of the towers. No additional help is needed. We’ll handle this,” reports Tatyana before letting go of the button that was placed on her left collar.
“Nice job announcing that to everyone,” says Michael with a smirk.
“Yeah, whatever. Listen. We have to head up that skyscraper. That’s where the scream was,” Says Tatyana, pointing at one skyscraper not too far from them.
“…Yeah right,” says Tora.
“Huh?” says Tatyana, turning towards Tora with a confused look, “…What do you mean “Yeah Right”? -
“My sister and I are not going to see some bloody mess, that’s what she means!” shouts Tori, angrily cutting Tatyana off, to which Tatyana was surprised by.
“…I’m with the girls. Sorry,” says Sammy with a nervous shrug.
“…I’m disappointed in you three already. Shame,” says Tatyana, shaking her head with a disappointed look.
“Tatyana, we can do this together. Let’s head up there,” Says Michael, quickly flying up towards the skyscraper. Tatyana turned and was surprised to find Michael already heading to the scene, but quickly enough, Tatyana follows him to the scene, while the others stand there with worried looks on their faces.
The two quickly make it to their destination and stop. They look down and are both surprised to find two headless bodies one the tower.
“…Why the fuck are they naked?” questions Tatyana.
“…Interesting…the enemy has already slaughtered them,” says Michael.
“I think I’m going to hurl…!” says Tatyana, quickly looking away and putting her hand over her mouth.
“Let’s investigate Tatyana!” says Michael with a smirk, quickly descending to the tower. Tatyana looks and is surprised to find Michael flying over to the scene. She blinks twice, and shakes her head, before following him.
They land and approach the bodies, closely investigating the area. They find, of course, two headless bodies side by side each other, with the heads of the soldiers not too far from the bodies, with David having the frozen look of anger on his face, and Mivelle fear. Michael looks to his right and finds a pile of clothes away from the bodies.
“…Interesting. Their clothing is over there…” says Michael, pointing.
“From what I can gather, they both were having sex. Conclusion,” says Tatyana.
“And how can you conclude that?” asks Michael.
“Why else would they be naked with their clothing off to the side like that? I’m willing to bet they easily got caught off-guard by the enemy and got mercilessly murdered,” replies Tatyana.
Michael presses a button on his morpher and puts it to his mouth, “…Stacey, come in. This is Michael Havings. We’ve detected two bodies from our soldiers. Heads are decapitated. Do you have any idea if you’re getting any threat levels in the area where we are?” says Michael.
“This Is Stacey Jin. Hear you loud and clear,” replies Stacey, “…No…strange, very strange. There are no threat levels in the area where you are.”
“What?!” says a shocked Tatyana.
“How else could this have happened then?” asks Michael.
“It had to have been the aliens!” says Tatyana.
“Don’t worry. Continue to keep a lookout”-
“UP THERE!!!” shouts Tori, pointing up at the sky, cutting Stacey off. Michael and Tatyana hear Tori’s voice and look up. No sooner do they look up at the sky, they both are shocked to find the same hooded figure floating in the air.
“What the fuck…?!” says a shocked Tatyana.
“…That’s our culprit,” says Michael.
“OK! I’ve got a visual on the enemy. I’m going to scan it and submit it to the database!” shouts Stacey through Michael’s morpher.
“Well do it quickly because I’m taking it down!” shouts Tatyana, bursting towards the hooded figure.
“…Huh, got it,” says Stacey.
Tatyana wastes no time and charges at the hooded figure. The hooded figure quickly charges back and begins swinging its sword swiftly at Tatyana, but Tatyana was swift in her evasive skills, easily dodging the hooded figure’s skills. At the right moment, Tatyana kicks the hooded figure to the face, causing it to turn around and face its back towards her, and the moment this happens, Tatyana quickly smashes her fist into the hooded figure’s back and out its chest, with the hooded figure’s body exploding in front of her seconds after. Michael looks on in shock to find Tatyana engulfed in the fiery explosion, but as the smoke clears, Tatyana appeared in full form, completely fine, wiping the black dust off of her armor.
“…Man, she’s badass just like her uncle…” says Michael with a smirk.
“Oh man, that was fucking cool!” shouts Sammy.
“Wow, she’s good,” says a shocked Tori.
“She was moving so fast too!” replies a shocked Tora.
Michael, the twins, and Sammy, all fly towards Tatyana, who stops brushing off her shoulders and stares at her teammates, who looked impressed at what she did a few moments ago.
“Tatyana, that was fucking impressive, I must say,” says Tori.
“Yeah! Your moves were so awesome!” says a surprised Tora.
“You learned a lot from Saul,” says Sammy with a smile.
“Heh, nice job TT,” says Michael with a smirk.
“…Thanks, I guess,” replies Tatyana, “Training pays off”-
“Ahh! There’s more! Holy shit!” shouts a shocked Sammy pointing forward. Tatyana turns and is surprised to find an even larger batch of these hooded figures coming after them.
“Oh, shit...shit just got real now,” says Tatyana.
“I guess we have no choice now…huh?” says a fearful Tora.
“C’mon sis, pull it together! We have to do this!” shouts Tori.
“It’s go time!” shouts Michael with a smirk, clenching his fists.
[Dynasty of Spheres H.Q./ Monitor Room]
“Stacey! Scanning is completed,” Says a female operator, handing a full stack of papers over to Stacey, who was standing and watching the main monitor closely with a headset on. Stacey grabbed the papers and scrolled through them, soon looking surprised at what she saw.
…Hmm…it has the same blueprint as the solar bot. It appears just to be a different build this time. thought Stacey.
“What?!” says a shocked Stacey. Stacey looks on at the main monitor and finds that the maps of Atlas, Wintu, and Xera City are all glowing red, with even visuals appearing of the hooded solar bots now arriving.
[Atlas City]
“The Solar bots have just arrived?!” says Luke, quickly looking around while in the air with a serious look on his face.
“There!” shouts Kim, pointing. Luke looks to his left and is shocked to find the hooded solar bots coming their way from afar.
“…Guys, let’s do this!” says Luke, whipping out his beam rifle from his lower back.
“Fuck, I so did not want this to happen right now…” says August with a dull look, slowly pulling out his beam rifle from behind his back.
“No time to act like that August, let’s fucking move!” shouts Caleb, pulling out his beam rifle.
“That’s right!” shouts Linda, pulling out her beam rifle.
s get things started, shall we Luke?” says Kim, smirking towards Luke. Luke looked back and again blushed by Kim’s looks, which made him quickly look back forward and charge after the enemy. Kim looked on with a silent look of curiosity, before closing her eyes and chuckling, quickly following pursuit, along with the rest of the group.
[Xera City]
“Alright guys, they’re here!” shouts Akira with a serious look on his face.
Before the team could begin moving, they all feel and hear loud crash nearby. They all turn around and are shocked to find a 50ft tall brown round robot with piercing red eyes, wielding an ax in its hand. Akira gives the huge robot a cold and silent stare, as the team simultaneously pull out from their backs a long blue beam sword.
“Time to get to work,” says Akira with a serious tone.
[Dynasty of Spheres H.Q./ Monitor Room]
“…War has truly begun,” whispers Stacey. Stacey stood there, observing the main monitor, witnessing the soldiers going all out, slashing, blasting and punching most of the solar bots to smithereens. It appeared the soldiers were trained greatly for this day…however Stacey also heard many screams, also witnessing soldiers already wounded, and many being slaughtered with ease. Stacey could do nothing but shake her head, and continue observing…
[Wintu City]
Tatyana and Michael performed fantastically, both pounding away at the many hooded solar bots coming their way. Their evasive moves and quick countering skills were a sheer advantage against their enemy. They were the unstoppable duo. Tori and Tora also did their thing, helping each other out, as siblings would do, taking down the many solar bots surrounding them, and Sammy appeared to be doing ok, however he is nearly slashed to death by a solar bot from behind, before he sends a spinning kick at the sneaking solar bot, slicing its head smooth off. Sammy quickly flies back afterward and finds many more solar bots coming after him.
“Sammy! Group in!” shouts Tatyana. Sammy turns his head and finds the rest of his group quickly flying back down to the ground. Sammy follows them, and as they land back to the ground together, they look up and find many soldiers fighting the solar bots in the air.
“It’s a complete war zone up there…!” says Tori, breathing heavily.
“Don’t worry guys. We’re doing fine so far…!” says Tatyana.
“Fuck…too many times my life could’ve ended there!” says Sammy, looking quite fearful as he stares at the battle zone above him.
Seconds later, the group hears and feels a massive crash nearby. They all quickly turn around and find the same massive brown round robot that Akira and his group were confronted with.
“Holy shit…!” says a shocked Tora.
“…This is not good right now…!” says a worried Sammy.
“…Bigger is better…!” says Michael with a smirk.
“Let’s go team!” shouts Tatyana, charging after the massive target.
“Fuck, this girl’s nuts!” shouts Tora, following her.
“The perfect kind of nuts…!” shouts Michael with a smile following Tatyana fast…
[Atlas City]
Luke and his group, along with other soldiers scattered across Atlas City, are blasting all the solar bots out of the sky. It appeared to be easy work for most of the gunner soldiers, but for Luke and his group, they were in for a big surprise. As Luke’s group continues firing around, Luke suddenly shifts his eyes to the right and is shocked to find a black jet with a bright red eye charging towards them at unbelievable speed.
“GUYS! DISPERSE!!” shouts Luke. The team all separated, with the black jet zooming past, nearly killing them if they were a second late. Luke and his group waste no time, firing at the black jet, but they soon were shocked to find a blue barrier protecting the black jet from the energy shots.
“Fuck, the jet has a barrier on it!” shouts Kim.
“This isn’t good! We have to watch out for that jet, as well as the solar bots!” shouts Caleb, shooting down a few more solar bots that were charging after them.
“That thing is way too fast…!” says a shocked August.
“Guys, we can’t die now!” shouts Luke, “I’ll keep a lookout on the jet! Focus on the solar bots!”
“Yes sir!” shouts Linda, firing rapidly at the solar bots and easily shooting them down.
…Huh, the Captain is going to take on the big target already? I like that… thought Kim with a smirk, looking at Luke as he kept his eyes on the jet now turning and coming their way once more.
“Here it comes…!” says Luke, gritting his teeth.
Meanwhile, the Calamita Team all had a hologram screen by them as they were flying towards Tower City.
“Damn, now they arrive?” says a shocked Victoria.
“Soldiers! This is Saul Knight! Activate Enhanced Drive, immediately! This goes for ALL soldiers!” shouts Saul.
“Already?” says Daichi.
“I want to see what the Enhanced Drive can do on this newly improved Dynasty battle armor,” replies Saul with a smirk.
“…I can vouch for that,” says Victoria with a smirk, “Let’s see what they got…!”
Chapter End
Chapter 32
Enhanced Drive
Before we witness the power of the newly power-up named the Enhanced Drive, we arrive at a time where many soldiers, including Luke, Tatyana, and Akira, are seated on the ground in a desert. They all had on black tank tops/ sports bras with long black baggy pants and black combat boots. Before them was Victoria, wearing a white tank top, baggy brown pants, black combat boots, and wearing sunglasses.
“Alright! The class has begun! Let’s get straight to the gist of things! The Dynasty Morpher for you soldiers have improved, so here it is!” says Victoria.
Victoria pulls out the Dynasty Morpher from her pocket and reveals a black wrist device showcasing a silver dragon.
“Oooh, they put the Dynasty Dragon on the front of the morpher now. Nice,” says Luke.
“As I say, this is the new edition of the Dynasty Morpher. This is what you all will be using when we head back up to the surface. The Dynasty Morpher used to be named the “Commando” Morpher, but alas, Stacey has finally upgraded it, since she’s so outdated these days,” says Victoria.
“Outdated?” says a confused Luke.
“Anyways, with the Dynasty Morpher, it comes with three special traits: Gunner, Fighter, and Sword Fighter. Gunner’s special trait color is green, Fighter is red, and Sword Fighter is yellow. Now that that’s out of the way, I’m going to explain to you the juicy part of this new morpher: The Enhanced Drive,” Explains Victoria,”Let me begin. The Enhanced Drive is where you just twist the knob on the Dynasty Morpher where our glorious silver Dynasty Dragon is on, and viola, your unique trait colors are revealed, and your battle armor will be enhanced. Upon transformation, you have the option to fight with your hands, the beam sword, or beam rifle, as most soldiers do. But once you activate Enhanced Mode, your true skills will be enhanced. And that’s what you will have to stick with from here on out. It’s your choice if you’re a gunner soldier but wants to use the Fighter Enhanced. All up to you, but your assigned title is your assigned title. Use it to the best of your ability. If you’re designated as Fighter Soldiers, use Enhanced Fighter mode, etcetera, etcetera. I will now explain how the Enhanced Drive works even further for the Gunner, Fighter, and Sword Fighter soldiers.
“For Gunner soldiers, upon Enhanced Drive with the Gunner ability, you obtain better agility and focus. Your eyes will glow green, and you will become even swifter and fast in battle, and you’ll be able to have more focus with your shooting to get that perfect, precise shot. For the Fighter Soldiers, your strength, agility, and focus will increase. Your eyes and parts of your body armor will glow red. As a matter of fact, your whole battle armor will glow a hot red. This “is” the strongest battle armor, having all abilities increased, including strength. What makes this ability even crazier, is that you can twist the knob three more times for even more stre
ngth. By the time you reach max, you can take down an entire mountain with just a punch! The only downside is your speed will be decreased. It’s Unbelievable and VERY UNFAIR! -ahem,” explains Victoria.
“…Holy shit, Fighter Mode is going to be the bomb,” says Tatyana with a smirk.
“M-moving on, we have the Sword Fighter. For these sword guys and gals, your speed, agility, and focus will increase. You’ll be faster, and battle and your sword skills will surprisingly get better as well,” Explains Victoria. The soldiers all chatted amongst one other, apparently impressed by the heavy details this new Dynasty Morpher held. Victoria nodded her head with a bright smile on her face, enjoying seeing the soldiers impressed with this new invention.
“Well, you know the details. With Enhanced Drive, you’ll surely be unstoppable out there. That’s all folks!” shouts Victoria.
…Now, back to the present.
And thus, the soldiers all twist the knob on their Dynasty Morpher, as seconds later, their eyes glow into their respective colors. The sword fighters yellow, the Gunners green, and the Fighters red. The battle has now gone up a notch.
Many soldiers let out war cries, now annihilating these hooded solar bots. Fighter soldiers pounding away at their bodies, Gunner soldiers shooting down many solar bots with better and precise skill, and Sword Fighters pulling off swifter attacks with their swords and taking down multitudes of their enemies’ execution style. It was clear that the Dynasty Army had the upper edge against the Solars now.
Tatyana and her group all slide back and stop, as they all appear exhausted, breathing for air. The round brown robot was still standing tall but had cracks appearing on its belly, arms, and legs, and was approaching the group slowly.
“Alright, guys. It’s time we finish this immediately…!” says Tatyana.
“Here’s the plan! Sisters, Sammy! You start the attack! Tatyana and I will finish the attack! Deal?!” explains Michael, gazing at the robot coming closer towards them.